Sharing the Gospel
Why Should We Share the Gospel?
The gospel is good news. In fact, the gospel is the best news people could ever receive. Paul tells us he is not ashamed of the gospel because “it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes” (Romans 1:16).
At LifeSpring Community Church, we want to be obedient to Christ’s command to boldly share the gospel. Jesus’ disciples most often worked together in this task, two by two, or in small groups such as the ones that Paul took with him when he traveled. Sharing our faith ought to be something we do together. We also want to live our lives in such a way that people note the difference enough to ask us what our hope is about. When they ask we should be prepared with an answer true to our lives, informed by Scripture and empowered by the Holy Spirit. Following Jesus should be a matter of prayer, of obedience, and should make a difference in our community.
Not sure where to start? Check out some of the invite tools below.
Invite someone to come to church with you!
You can send one of these graphics via text, email, or share on social media.

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An invite can change a life.
Ever lost for words when you want to invite someone to church?
Use these ideas as a jumping-off point!
Hey, Julie!
I don’t know if you guys typically go to church on Easter, but you and Pete are always welcome to come to ours!
It’s Sunday, April 12 at 10:00am and I could save a seat for you! More info on the Easter page on their site,
It’d be nice to see you guys 🙂 Either way, Happy Easter! Give the kids a hug from me. 🙂
I hope all is well with you and the kids! Emma and Lydia are getting so excited about inviting their friends to our church for the Fall Kickoff, and they thought of your boys! If they bring a friend, they both get a big candy bar, which they’re pretty excited about 😉
Here’s the info: Sunday, August 12 at 10:00am. Let me know if you want me to save you a seat! 🙂
More info on their site:
Hope you can make it, we’d love to see you!
Dear Jess,
I know we haven’t talked in a while, but I was thinking about you recently and wanted to extend the invite to come to my church on Christmas Eve.
I know it’s been a rough year, and you must be missing your dad so much. 🙁 I know for me, church can feel like a safe haven when nothing else seems to be making much sense. <3
We’ll be going to the 10:00am service that day, if you’d like us to save you a seat. We’d love to see you!
More info on their website,