Heartbeat of the Community

What if...

What if the local church was the heartbeat of the community? Not only for church on Sundays, or limited to church events. What if the local church was the place people in the community wanted to come to gather?

Heartbeat of the Community Ministry Campaign

The Heartbeat of the Community Ministry Campaign is an investment in the future impact of LifeSpring on our community.

In 2018 LifeSpring purchased 21 1⁄2 acres, envisioning a church as the heartbeat of the community. This birthed the Place to Gather initiative, living out the Gospel as a community on a mission. Since then, our congregation has more than doubled in size, and our impact continues to grow as we serve the community and each other. LifeSpring’s focus remains on the Message, the Community, and the Mission of God’s Kingdom, a philosophy captured in LifeSpring’s DNA – Gospel, Gather, Go!

The Heartbeat of the Community Ministry Campaign represents LifeSpring’s commitment to build on the foundations of this vision. Why would you participate? If…

  • you have been blessed by God through LifeSpring and want to help others encounter Him.
  • you want to support LifeSpring’s progress in serving the real needs of our church and community.
  • you long to see more people come to Christ and become His disciples.

As we embark on the Heartbeat of the Community Ministry Campaign, we invite you to join us and to invest in three key areas that will empower our growth and connection.

  1. Add staff to address growth
  2. Pay down debt incurred on the building
  3. Make capital improvements